Sunday, March 1, 2009

Past the LakeSide Shore.

Theres something else crumbling down on the ocean front. Its my slippers and a magazine. and an arm chair is thrusting in with the tidal waves. theres another red tide for ya. lets starve ourselves of production and eat lethargy. Again I feel. Im gaining way to the ultimate water front. Not watergate. Forgive me as a take time to distract myself from this world and engulf myself in DISTRACTIONS. pure midless DISTRACTIONS. Theres some sort of trade off going on here. I cant quite place it. Its me. There I am. Over there. You see it. Look to your left of this image. you see that jumble of symbols. Yah, there i an=m. Im the "t" and the "a" and the ....

hey look over here. closer. do you see your face?

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