Monday, March 2, 2009

White Wine Conversations.

And so last night, we spoke of how were both just rivers and we're moving so fast and this may be seen as being....oh i dont asshole. just moving not thinking not caring what others around may possibly think or FEEL, but the point is, is that rivers do make streams, they tend to their own garden of rivers. Theyre nurturers. fauna is not one with the river until she drinks from the river, she needs to drink from the river in order to grow, and those are our friends, but theyre just on the sidelines, as a little distraction. But i said ... im scared. My water will be spared and where Will i be? Selfish. Time is spared. Luck is wished. Food is given. I am giving. WHAT IS REALLY ESSENTIAL? I am a river myself but my river is flowing much too fast on its own. No little streams to tend to and I dont want to mix my water with the wrong kind of water. Algae has a tendency to grow with in my veins. Its only natural, yes, but it still makes me itch and it still makes me wonder if it truely belongs there in the first place.
So, im giving in. and Im going to give my soul the energy needed to help this other human river create. I will challenge, persist and endure. Embrace. Fucking Contrived sounding bullshit.

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